Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Apple old tech
Monday, December 14, 2009
Reawakening of UMPCs and netbooks
Also, though I got my Acer Aspire One netbook quite a while ago and installed Fedora 10 on it, I believe that I was a couple weeks ahead of the curb. Next thing I know, hundreds of people are purchasing Eee PCs, HP Minis, Acer Aspire Ones and Toshiba minis right and left.
Though my reviews aren't even close to those of the richer, more priveleged Engadget, I feel a more personal seasoned-user-to-seasoned-user approach is acceptable.
I love my school
Moeller rocks. Those who have never heard of it, look it up. Its in Montgomery
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
New Linux users
New Banner
Passion of Christ explanation
"Christ is coming back to establish his kingdom on earth and He is going to cast Satan into a bottomess pit for 1,000 years."
Remember the end of the movie when Satan was looking up and screaming? Exactly represented by that quote from the site. Although not thoroughly explained in the movie, this is a pretty fair explanation, agreed?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mac everywhere
If only I could join this. I would really like a Macbook- mainly for software tinkering and development purposes- but also for College maybe? That would surely rock. I'm sick of only seeing a part of the spectrum (Solaris, Windows, Linux, -no mac experience- here) I'd love to at least get maybe a Mac Mini and toy with it here, however, as I am not of the age to get a job anywhere yet, I'll have to put my hopes on hold as I usually must.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Not Here
So don't always think that I'm here.
Why I'm scheduling random posts for this week I'll never know...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Yay! Great
Usually I can play games and have more free time when I get home!
And to you all, my gamertag is a88SUPAKILLA and my twitter is Algamer.
This rocks.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fall Ball
A lot of my friends were cute with thier GFs dancing around together. Life rocks.
I'm Bored
I really don't update this as much as I should.
Too many
Take Ubuntu 9.04 for example. This community- along with Canonical- agrees that the interface should be simple, easy to use for Linux newcomers and clean of too many desktop icons. I agree with that opinion, therefore I use it.
However, since many newbies also use Ubuntu- it has become a "general" distro for gaming, working and many other activities.
Usually I make short little blog posts and this is no exception. If you want to find out more about what kinds of linux distros are out there, click the post title.
never have. Why people like Google, Sun or Oracle make them, I'll never know.They don't automatically open or install. No. You have to build them yourself. PITA of the day
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wierd. I'll get like that every once in a while. That feeling is just horrible.
In the morning, everyone needs to be awake to learn, yet some of us get up at 5:00am.
However, we carry on- to play ODST or GoW2 when we are done with our day!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
New Knol
Life is fun
I love life. All you techies out there, live life to the fullest and let us make great contributions to the world.
Friday, October 2, 2009
M$ goodbye
M$ BS once again.
Friday, August 28, 2009
This is going to be great fun.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lenovo X61 Issue
It just so happens I work on the help desk during B3 (it was b1 when he went).
He was about to walk out the door when a sentence caught his attention, "I may help you, I also work on the Help Desk" from me. lol
Anyway, he walked over to my desk and I analyzed the problem. One or both of his internal antennae wires must be getting pinched, as his internet connection only stays on for a maximum of 2 minutes.
I emailed them the issue to help them so they wouldn't have to ask any questions as he walked down.
haha, then Mr.Kindt applauded me and said "yay! Hey, you tried.".
I love my teacher.
Our tablets are X61 Lenovo/IBM Tablets for anyone out there wanting to know.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Some guys are talkingabout bodily hair, geico commercials and football players. wow. Welcometo my odd Mentor Group.
Micheal Puma will always bring entertainment to people's days. hahahahahaha
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
WOAH that was a lot
I feel soo much better already.
World, beware of working alone- I've learned today that a partner is necessary
Eventually it shall
Who agrees that Google Wave looks amazing? I do. Just like thier huge Google Chrome success, Google should probobly get an even larger following once Google Wave is available to the public. At the moment, I have word that it is only available to certain developers and mods that are working on extending its functionality and interconnecting it with blogging services and web games.
I'm sure Facebook might play a role in developing for Google Wave too, but it has been made clear that they won't share when the release will specificly be yet. Either way, hopefully Wave comes out within the same month as Google Chrome OS. I've been checking out Developer previews of that and it looks a tiny bit like gOS's Cloud operating system, though I'm sure it's all Google.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Owl City makes me high
My religion teacher rocks. I'll be bringing in my advanced-amateur camera to school on wednesday. wootness. Also, those who feel that they have a question for me or an idea for me to blog about, feel free to discuss it!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Any Ideas?
I can fix most SOFTWARE issues with Windows Vista Business or Home Premium.
School again
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Another Philosophical thought
At this moment, I have one of my "Philosophical or testable theoretical moments of the day" and ask: What is space? If we can be represented as one stepping stone of life, where are the others? Out THERE?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ah, social networking
Also, can anybody say "look how far we've gotten"?
The progress that we've made soo far in our lifetime with our technological advances- both in the internet and in physical consumer technologies- like the netbooks craze, The release of the amazing iPod Touch and the iPhone. We've also gotten quite far in terms of portable computer size and weight- especially weight, considering those old 20-pound, 19" screen behemoths hurt me side.
I've seen many advances in Google's company too, for instance thier new Chrome OS is sure to attract a lot of attention from Microsoft.... once its available.
Anyway, back to the reason why I titled this blog as I did- Mainly I was on twitter, updating my status and I saw that a couple of the trending topics had to do with technology, facebook and our economy. Usually when there's trending topics, something bad has happened- having to do with each of those topics. However, this time it just so happened that the one having to do with our technology is mainly from professional bloggers- using twitterfeed- who were talking about how we've gained such a strong foothold in the world's major powers, mainly through our use of techology. I can't remember what I read, or what time it was, but I do also know from personal experience that our country has gone through some rough AND righteous times and we've prevailed.
Probobly. However, considering the circumstances that many of my facebook posts AND the ways that I think of things today are "up there" when compared to many other teens- most who are immature still. I think of this earth as only one stepping stone for life. We think that we are HUGE and important here on our one tiny planet, however, we are nothing compared to the vast galaxy out there.
I may wish that I'm as philosophical as you dad? Maybe I'm already on my way.
Then again, seeing as how many of the family members on my dad's side of the family are creative, artistic, spiritual and deep-thinkers, I do believe that I'm destined for greatness like many of them. :) We'll see how far I get throughout life.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Only mentioning this because I have been attempting to recover from nearly-all-night-Hardcore-Halo-3-Gaming-sessions and the pressure of going up to Big Robot Cafe with the gang is killing me.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The tech-related part of this is that usually I'll either read or check my gmail before falling asleep at 2:00AM most of the time and the Xbox 360- although it is amazing- doesn't usually bother my sleep much.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The argument will never die
Which is infinitely better: Windows or Open-Source GNU/Linux Operating Systems?
I'm sure both have their upsides or downsides and I'd love to elaborate but- as I have a social life to uphold at the moment- I don't have enough time.
I'm sure someone with a lot more freeeeeeee time like Unionhawk (Evan) would certainly love to explain his biased view on both, but seeing as he doesn't use Fedora Linux or OpenSolaris on a daily basis, I doubt that he could give a fair view.
He and I, though, should get together sometime and- when Google Wave is out- publish the conversation as a blog post.
ANyway, my family at the moment is noisely playing Canasta and I do believe that my Xbox 360 upstairs could be calling my name. Soo long and see you again, fellow bloggers!
Great times shared by all.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Pandora's coming!
New Update
Monday, May 18, 2009
In class
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
O well
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Why do you use M$ Windows?
Is it because it works?
Do you only use your computer for work and the internet?
I believe I use my computer for school and for movies (Hulu, since there is no CD/DVD drive in our tablets) as much as anyone else out there but I surely would love to have Elive ( or Fedora ( on it more than this shitty windows Vista operating system.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
For when you're bored
I've found something for when you are bored!
Things that you put off for a while and also those things you never want to do.
I'm probobly never going to fully enjoy this Spring Break until I finish it all.
However, there are always things that you could use as excuses, even though that wouldn't help me in any way....
by the way, on the 11-hour-seemingly-endless-at-the-moment car ride here I could had possibly done my homework even though I was too lazy. HAD A MOBILE BROADBAND CARD but didn't put it to the best use...
internet connections
My last Tweet said how much I hated the internet here down in Florida (spring break) and it seems that we were connected to another place's network.
Now our hotel network's connection is back up and running. This is most likely because of the storm outside....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Dreaming of the future
However, many teenagers who are freshmen like me or Sophomores in High School still seem to think or dream the same way.
However, I don't know much about Lifestyles so I just skipped to the more exciting part of the pondering thought.
SO, I- hopefully- imagined me having an iMac in my house as my main Desktop computer and then an old ThinkPad T40 that is either running Fedora 10+ or Linux XP. Next to that on the desk, as I recall from the thought, was a Macbook. The Macs I would use as my main computers while using the Linux one when I'm bored or if I feel the need to engage in my Software-Modding hobby a bit more.
Then, I would also have a Windows (shitty, I know) Desktop for those very few things that people require WIndows for in thier life- and finally the Acer Aspire One that I am typing on right now would hopefully still be with me. However, years have shown what can happen to a constantly-used computer.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Three overplayed songs I love anyway
Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
great song, although not recommended by some, it can be great English Class material
Here We Go!!!
Oh well! It's great for your literary skills if you blog a lot, I heard. By the way, does anybody out there know about when the ModBooks (MacBook made tablet) are going to have actual keyboards? I'd love that.... If they were just like the Moeller High School tablets (Lenovo X61) then that would suffice my need for a keyboard.
Also, this post is mainly titled Here We Go because I'm listening to Professional Party People by Basshunter over and over again fo no reason whatsoever.
Internet issues
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Live how you want
Well, I hope for the best when I have a future life.
Hopefully I'll live in NYC or some big city that's awesome and have a macbook and hopefully be a designer.
Forced Learning
The world of underinformed computer users
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Freedom of Communication
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
What I would do if I had to give away a million dollars
I would give half of the million to O.L.P.C (One laptop per child) because I have believed in thier philosophy for providing children in developing countries with an education and a low-cost laptop for a long time. The other half would go to Linux Developers (mainly groups like Fedora, E-Live, and Linux Mint) so they can get an even better headstart on out-doing Microsoft's reign of evil. ...I really hate Microsoft and how they put thier OS users under THEIR power so we must use anything that ONLY works with windows and whenever we try to do something they don't like, like oh install Linux as a dual-boot system, they DON'Thave our backs. Ever heard of the shitty BSOD? yea, Linux & Macintosh users have never heard of it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I demand Everybody in the world must bomb Microsoft
Everybody in the world must bomb Microsoft
Linux is the future!!! Free, inspiring software and stuff FOR FREE!!! Beat that, dumbass B.G.!!!
All Macbooks (and Pros) will be $500 less for the next century
Why should someone pay soo much for something that's awesome DURING A RECESSION?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I'll spend my golden years in New York City, NY
I would love to be in a large city, surronded by the greatest technology, fashion and design stores in America. I've wanted to go here for a long time and it only seems natural to retire there. I know this may seem like an odd choice since it's such a bustling city but I surely get more excercise around there than relaxing by mertle beach.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mobile Blogger sucks
Monday, March 23, 2009
Kind of boring, kind of not.
Don't want to go to the inevitable German class since I'm afraid I messed up the homework.
O well. At least I feel better about my designing skills because the people in my Confirmation classes liked my unique logo design that I created for our group- we chose my name, the Celestial Society.
Just another day! :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ode to the music
By Alex Seibenick
Flowing around you, it blows through your hair.
Feel the bass pump around you, feel the music and be one with the music.
Techno and Dance are just a few wide genres of the melodies that you see.
Amazed at the wonderous ecstasy that is all around you, colors are melding into the liquid blend of beat and rhythm.
At last, peace drifts over you and the music swirls around you like the moist fog of the early morning when the sun rises over the horizon.
Grasp the scents of vanilla, combining with the sweet fragrance of roses as you drift into the void of everlasting happiness while dancing your heart out to the mystic beats of the DJ.
Growing hotter and hotter, the light waves melt into the sound as your grip with reality loosens.
Colors swerve into waves, your passion for dancing grows even tighter. Nothing else, dance or die are the only choices as stopping would upset the momentum.
With the change of the tempo, the beat slows down and as the next song comes on you begin to gravitate towards the speakers and your vision blurs.
Like a drunk trying to find his way home, you stumble off of the stage and begin to wonder how you fell under the music's spell.
Usually resisting the temptation to let loose, you gather yourself and get back on stage just as the song ends.
Even the strongest wills can be easily broken. As the music begins again and you feel the beautiful, intoxicating, exhilarating mist of colors and sound drown out everything else you realize what's happened.
But it's too late.
You're consumed.
Every day of your life since then, you miss those beats and those feelings.
Society has changed you and you're no longer that fun loving human based upon music that you once were.
Sorrow as deep as the Pacific Ocean fills your heart, as you miss those glory days of the ecstasy you felt during the dance clubs at night.
No longer are you happy, sitting at your desk and staring into the monitor of your Sony VAIO.
While daydreaming of your past life, your son comes up to you.
Finally it is time. Maybe your children can relive that life.
Let the beat take you
As the beat goes on.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's the end of your Junior year and you are told you will be house captian next year. What will you do with that power?
I would create FUN DAYs when everyone could literally wear whatever they wanted- as long as they have undergarmets and a shirt/shorts on-
and everyone would be very happy.
I would also make sure that the little guys weren't picked on as people who do dumb things- although I gottaluv him, Evan can do some stupid things- were when I was a frosh. I'd try to censor that as much as I could from our school.
I would certainly not be a great house captain because whenever I am given power, I always go insane and power-controlling. Whenever I used to post with my friends on my Forum, I would control anything I didn't want happeneing, no matter what they thought.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
If so, then I'd TOTALLY get:
a Macbook Pro (17-inch)
2 iMacs
a Peek
a Palm Pre + Simply Everything plan
a M16 assault rifle and a license for it
another dog
another dog
a 20-foot screen to put on the basement wall + projector
5 Linux laptops + 2 Red Hat subscriptions (1 laptop and an iMac)
a PS3
and finally
Another lottery ticket.
After that I would give the rest to OLPC and Unified for Unifat.
The Decisions
Freetime/Daily life
Monday, March 16, 2009
Life Experiences
Monday, March 9, 2009
new Journal
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Main Journal
Monday, February 23, 2009
new Art post!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sick of it
Friday, February 20, 2009
Art Journal
Thursday, February 19, 2009
DeviantART Rocks!!!
Well, I guess you can't really call what I do in my free time artwork, but o well.
My deviantart page is at
Monday, February 16, 2009
Creating LiveUSB at the moment...
English Extra Cred
Monday, February 9, 2009
A.N.B. my love for music
Hello people! Yes, just another day of randomly blogging. (This is one of the few times when I directly blog from Word, because I hate Microsoft Office. The only good thing is Outlook. I'd much rather have a Mac with iLife '09 + iWork '08)
Oh, never mind. Nothing much to blog about at the moment except my favorite signature!!
"It's Not Love For Music, It's My Passion. It Goes Beyond Liking, And Beyond A Hobby, It's About A Way Of Living. Music Is Essential To My Life." (Armin Van Buuren, best Trance DJ of all time)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
yep, I'm a starving artist
Now that would be awesome. Problem for the day/until-summer-period-of-time:
Find a job and get enough money to buy a high end UMPC (like the Sony lifestyle pc or alienware m15x)
Friday, February 6, 2009
The only bad thing about having a Lenovo Tablet computer is the fact that people can steal your pen.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Guide on how to create a site for Moeller that will not be BLOCKED
one, Go to either (If unblocked) or
(If unblocked). Google Sites works too.
now you have a site- If you have created an account to use it and
administrate to it.
you need to upload files to the FTP server. Go to their support
section to find THAT out. If you don’t use 110mb’s host,
go to step 4.
Google Sites, upload .SWF games to the page you want to play on.
Make sure that you make sure that this page is not the HOME
once your site it TOTALLY published & the games (.SWF “movies”
their called. Or flash .fla or .swf files) appear, are submitted,
invite users. Only invite people you trust.
sure that you ONLY invite about 6 or less TRUSTWORTHY students. If
any people like the Help Desk workers or Seniors find out, you
should switch to a different website really quick.
always a smart Idea to just make a literary-art site and further
down the line make it a game site. I, myself, am ONLY focusing on
art for mine.
email the link of your site to all of you 6 FRIENDS and get together
and play.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Lifestyle PC perfect for portable lifes
Friday, January 30, 2009
SonyStyle visit

Yep haven't been there in a while. I LOVE THIS SHOP. A nice little haven for gamers and stylish-computer-nerds like myself. I found out about 3 wonderful new technologies today.
My first old-friend the Sony Mylo. I ACTUALLY HAD ENOUGH MOOLA to buy it and still passed off the opportunity. This is basically, as the man at the counter said "a 2-years-late concept of the iPhone, but replacing phone capabilities with Skype". THis is an sick all-in-one internet multimedia device. I got my hands on it and toyed around with it a bit. The touch screen controlls aren't multitouch though- sorry iTouch and iPhone fans!!- and there is no accelerometer, however THERE IS Adobe Flash Lite. With Adobe flash lite, you can view YouTube videos and play flash games or movies on websites.
THe 2nd AMAZING work of technology that I found in there was the Lifestyle PC by Sony. This MARVELOUS- yes, i truely love this pc- piece of design-and-size-aware-technology is quite small but powerful. I have a pic of this item on here. No, sadly, I did not get to blog from that PC as I ws running out of time and my mother was coming to pick us up soon.....
Anyway, yes, this features a full-blown Windows OS (Vista home premium on selct models) and an instant-on Linux based OS for when you just want to browse the web or upload media. A webcam and a wonderful amount of lightweight-but-powerful hardware including my favorite navigational item the TrackPoint (yay!!), a HDD or SDD (select models for SSD), a webcam, bluetooth + Wireless internet and a GPS reciever, and also small, around .80 of an inch think incasing. This supersmall laptop is a must for mobile bloggers and has the biggest screen I have seen yet on a UMPC at 1.39 pounds (I lifted it and it ways barely anything) and has a 8"- diagonal measurement- screen!!!!
The las item I had a look at was the Sony Xperia phone. If you buy it from the SonyStyle store, they will personally unlock it for free so you can use it with your SIM card or current provider- works on everything except verizon DAMN- but it is still a pretty sweet phone. Also honing in again on Sony's wonderful work-with-the-small-form-factor. I played around with this too. It has a sliding CURVED screen!!!! When it slides open (from touchscreen Windows Mobile 6.1 phone to WM6.1 mobile workstation) the screen slides along a CURVED ridge until the full QWERTY keyboard comes out and you can take pictures, movies and anything you can do on a normal phone but ALSO EDIT IT.
And this brings my wonderful time in SonyStyle to a close, my readers!!!
The morning so far...
I'll write a review for Half Life 2 later.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
evil .bat files STRIKE AGAIN!
pure evil for Windows users
Friday, January 23, 2009
Macs are BACK!
Oh so true, that's all I can say. Macs are used even by kids in the grade of 5, as my little friends have a couple iMacs and MacBook Pros in their house.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
2 fun downloads!!!
First of all, though, here is a great EASY flash game creator:
Ok, here is a funny Yu-Gi-Oh card of myself
And HERE is my remix of Sandstorm by Darude.
Connection through the Cloud
I should try to make an internet-based Window that is based off of the Internet Explorer engine and will ONLY go to icloud. A program that only went to the icloud would be of a huge use and then prove the function of the internet browser embedded in iCloud. The many ways you can orient and move the files around in iCloud's XML-coded atmosphere makes it feel like you truely ARE using a computer! I love the side menu with the drop-down menus that give you access to settings and tools when you need them. Along with a uniqui My Documents folder and many other unique features, this revolutionary Internet Computer design will surely lead to better computer-led lives for many Americans and on-the-go people who don't usually own a computer.
That's all for now!
All of the clouds described
The second type is something called Windows Azure which will allow you to host your own services and internet apps so many businessmen, clients, or customers can use them over the internet. These services allow us to "easily" distribute our apps and different products or services that are online-based to millions of customers and they can use them in thier internet browsers seamlessly. iCloud is sureley easier to use and more tuned towards us computer users, while Azure is just a basic networking Cloud to base your services or online projects on. The third kind of Cloud will be talked about in a later post.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
O, how the world is evolving
Today I remembered all of the features of our Vista sidebar and also looked at some of the cool ADVANCED Linux computers on and used Google Talk to call a friend. Then I txted a friend using Skype, Wrote up a paper in OpenOffice, checked email and social networking sites in my iCloud and finished up using our school's ExamView to take a test.
Without computers in our education- well, wouldn't that be a shame?- I'm sure this would be a totally different learning experience!
On weekend
Adobe is one of the great companies that provide the tools that future artists need on thier computers.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
waking up sucks
That's all for now!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Resume.... lol
Haha. We have to do a Hercules Resume` in my English class. I love this class but sometimes Mr.G can throw something at you to do and you WON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HIT YOU.
Anyway, first person resume. Yes, it seems easy but it isn't always easy.
Oh yea, I remembered my old gaming website- don't know if it is blocked or not- and here it is: my DEVOID2 site.
I'll get back to all of you over the weekend. My motto of the day: "Life seems soo easy when the world stands still."
Monday, January 12, 2009
Linux Vs. Windows
There will surely be more Linux-biased articles of this to come. STAY TUNED!!!