Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wow!! GM sure is doing a lot to change how people buy thier cars this year. Think of all the economic and environmental effects that are going into thier situation. I'm sure that nearly-65-billion-dollar bailout from our gov't will help them out. Hopefully the Hummer division of General Motors is partially shut down, as stopping making many bigass Hummers will save them a lot of money and also stop rednecks and other potential gas-guzzlers from buying another SHAME TO THE ENVIRONMENT. As for Hybrid cars, would you get in one?

Friday, January 9, 2009

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8th grade day's today and I', gettin' to show some students some things we do in photoshop w00t!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


uh.... w00t? I'm in math class and really need my track running gear that I left with my mother down in the Spirit Shop. (Where she sometimes works). This is school is fun but sometimes non-technological classes can get realllly boring.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We might not have Photoshop class next year... :(
I'll be sure to buy Adobe Audition 3 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 for my free time, then. (Audition is mainly for music mixing and creation)

8th Grade Day

I'm happily back at school. On friday there's something called 8th Grade Day and I'm coming to my Intro to Computer Graphics class to show all of the Prospective Moeller Students all the SWEET things we do in Photoshop and what we *can* do.

w00t from mobile!!!

Mobile Blogging from here.
Hey everyone!! I'm using the amazing iBlogger application on my iPod touch to send posts to this blog now!! Isn't it kool how the world makes it easier to du things we love?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lol. What does this photoshopped tomato look like? Lol. I attempted to make it look like a water and synthetic world. If you look clesely, the shades of red and orange are synthetic land. Green is what's left. The rest of the tomato-earth is just clouds and water. Tricky, eh?
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WOO HOOO!!!! Lol. I'm pretty sure that the Pandora is smaller than a Netbook, Laptop, OR Sony's Micro PC. However, I'm also very sure that it promises soo much more than an average computer or micro pc.
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School Starts again!

Yepy. Scholl is starting again and I'm part of it. Can't wait to get back and meet all of my buddies. I even get to see my hilarious English teacher, nice german teacher, and Fantastic Intro To Computer graphics class.! What an awesome new year.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

w00t for School starting

I like the fact that we use Laptops and advanced technologies at my school. That totally takes away the icky-borring-feelling from it. Moeller really isn't that boring, with its thousands of clubs to join and many opportunities to be had, everyone gets along pretty well. Except for the fact that- since no one ever uses thier lockers- I will be dragging around 2 heavy bags tomorrow, I think I'll enjoy my first day back from break. ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT SINCE WE ALREADY TOOK OUR EXAMS AND I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THEM. Sucks for those of you who are worried about after-break exams!!! Lol. That totally takes the fun out of even HAVING A x-mas break.